Les représentations sociales de la patrie


  • A. Melista Université de Panteion
  • A. Madoglou Université de Panteion


This article discusses the social representations of homeland both of Greek and immigrant pupils. Particularly, what is studied is the content and the organization of different nationalities in conditions of cultural diversity. In the research conducted in December 2003, 319 pupils participated, 203 Greeks and 116 immigrants, 11 to 12 years old, from different regions of Athens. Participants were asked to write, through the free association method, the three first words or phrases that come to their mind when they hear the word 'homeland'. The results highlight the different ways the notion of homeland is perceived, depending on the anhoring process related to different nationalities. Greek pupils focused on beliefs and ideologies of their national group. Their representations about homeland refer to the concept of Nation-state which is directly related to elements such as geographical territory, symbols and history. Non-Greek pupils, in contrast, describe their homeland by using words mainly dealing with parenthood, adopting a sentimental and nostalgic way inherited by the social memory of the family.






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