Analysis of the Semantic Field of Social Representation between Teachers and Parents of the School/Family Relationship.


  • Véronique Pelt University of Luxembourg, Research Unit EMACS
  • Débora Poncelet University of Luxembourg, Research Unit EMACS



This study aims to examine whether the school/family relationship (SFR) is organised in a social representation (SR). It also considers the links between the SFR and various factors (such as the pupil’s classroom or the ranking of spontaneous words).

Carried out during the school year 2010/2011 on 10 primary teachers and 151 parents, the study highlights the semantic vocabulary used to qualify the relationship. Our initial analyses were based on the verbal association methodology of Flament and Rouquette (2003). We then organised words into associative cards, which enabled us to compare them.

By way of conclusion, we observed that in our sample, teachers and parents were generally satisfied with their relationship. However, the language used to complete the questionnaire tended to influence their point of view.

Biographies des auteurs

  • Véronique Pelt, University of Luxembourg, Research Unit EMACS

    VÉRONIQUE PELT has been working as a Research Associate at the University of Luxembourg since 2006 among different projects concerning students. Before that, she was working on competencies and lifelong learning as a trainer. She holds a Master 2 in Psychology and has graduated in Mediation. She is a member of the following Research Area Group: Development of schools and school related partners. Her research interests are: Students/pupils; communication; school/Parents relationships; and multilingualism

  • Débora Poncelet, University of Luxembourg, Research Unit EMACS

    DÉBORA PONCELET (PhD) is an assistant professor in educational science and psychology at the department of language and literature, humanities, arts and education (FLSHASE) at the University of Luxembourg. Her research interests have mainly been focusing on family educational strategies and family-school relationships. She is also a professor in the bachelor degree in educational sciences (BPSE). Debora represents Luxembourg in the association internationale de formation et de recherche en éducation familiale (AIFREF).

    She is a member of the following Research Area Group: Development of schools and school related partners and Mathematics and science education.


