Social Representations, Environmental Psychology and Uncertainty in Communication: A commentary on Michel-Guillou and colleagues’ article
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Papers on Social Representations Peer Reviewed International Journal
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ENRIC POL is PhD in Psychology and Full Professor of Social and Environmental Psychology at the University of Barcelona since 2003, where he is the coordinator of the Social, Environmental and Organizational Research Group (PsicoSAO). His research activities focus on appropriation and symbolism of space, urban space and social dynamics of the city, globalization and quality of life, environmental conflicts, NIMBY effect and environmental management. His most recent work is the Handbook of Environmental Psychology and Quality of Life Research co-edited with G. Fleury-Bahi and O. Navarro (Springer, 2017).
ANGELA CASTRECHINI is PhD in Psychology, by University of Barcelona (2008). She works as an Assistant Lecturer at Department of Social Psychology and Quantititve Psychology. Her research activities focus on social representations about environmental and social issues: environmental problems, climate change, citizen insecurity, media analysis.