Rights, Identity, Neoliberalism: An Exploratory and Critical Analysis of French-speaking Schizophrenia Pages on Facebook


  • Dimitrios Lampropoulos University of Lausanne
  • Marie-Anastasie Aim AP-HM, Délégation à la Recherche Clinique et à l’Innovation, Marseille, France
  • Thémis Apostolidis Aix Marseille Univ, LPS, Aix en Provence, France


Health activism; schizophrenia; Facebook; Social Representations; neoliberalism


This article presents an exploratory socio-representational study of French-speaking schizophrenia activism on Facebook. We analyzed how two activist pages presenting differences in their organization (e.g. funded or not) constitute the identity of people with schizophrenia and how they position the latter vis-à-vis the social order. The funded page propagates a recovery and public health approach presenting points of contact with neoliberalism. By contrast, the peer-run page aims to combat repressive practices and policies and alter dominant representations. We discuss these results in terms of modes of communication positioning pages and audiences vis-à-vis the social order. We conclude that Facebook provides a compelling platform for the critical study of digital health activism in France and beyond.






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