Représentation sociale d’un sport à risques en fonction de la pratique sportive et de la modalité de pratique: l’exemple du ski extrême


  • Rémi Ajcardi Université Aix-Marseille 2
  • Pierre Therme Université Aix-Marseille 2


This research explores the relationships between social representations of extreme skiing and practice of skiing. Three groups of subjects participated in the research, non-skiiers,
on piste skiers and off piste skiers. We make the assumption that consensuality of the social representation of extreme skiing differs in the three groups. We furthermore assume that risk and feelings are integrated in different ways. The results show both a relation between sporting practice and consensuality of the representational contents, and
differences of integration of dimensions related to risk and feelings depending on skiing practice. These results give an account of the interaction between practice and representations in the domain of sports.






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